Podium EMS

AI-based energy management software from Wattstor.

Introducing Podium: Wattstor's Intelligent Energy Management Platform

Wattstor’s proprietary technology its platform, Podium. Podium intelligently decides how energy on a site should be generated, stored, consumed or traded, and comprises 3 key elements that seamlessly integrate for a consistent and harmonious on-site experience:

  • Cloud-based optimisation engine
  • Portal interface
  • Edge controller device.

Wattstor’s podium platform ensures end-users need not worry about future market or technology developments. Ongoing projects, such as solar, EV charging points and battery installations across any number of site buildings can be gradually added to the portfolio of distributed energy resources.

Podium's Optimisation Engine

Podium’s cloud-based software encompasses a powerful dynamic optimisation engine. The machine learning algorithms calculate and schedule the most effective use of energy, creating the best ROI based upon:

  • Grid constraints
  • Dynamic pricing signals
  • Load forecasts
  • EV charging forecasts
  • Site operational parameters

Podium enabled solutions

Microgrid Projects

Wattstor's Podium platform creates energy eco-systems across industrial, commercial, agricultural, public sector and community microgrids.

Electric car charging

Dynamic EV Charging

Podium maximises the value that can be derived from EV charging. From adaptive charging to optimised integration of embedded renewable generation and storage, Wattstor's Podium platform reduces costs through wholesale trading, all while maintaining grid capacity.

Case Study ref: EV Charging site uses Wattstor EMS to avoid the need to increase their grid capacity

See EV Charging case studies
Solar battery storage

Solar Load Shifting

The Podium EMS platform uses a series of algorithms to decide the best time to store, use or trade the electricity generated by on-site solar PV.

Case Study ref: Award-winning holiday resort wins again with exceptional benefits from energy project

DC Coupled PV

Wattstor’s Podium EMS controlled DC/DC battery for solar PV enables businesses to add more solar than their grid connection would lead them to believe is possible.

EXPLAINED: Energy as a Service (EaaS)

Learn more

Speak to one of our friendly team to learn more about the Podium EMS enabled solutions for your site.

Contact Us

Explore the Podium portal

The cloud portal is the end-user’s window into their energy activity. From remote monitoring, scheduling, metering data download and savings figures, through to energy source drill-downs, consumption statistics, and alarms.

This element of the platform delivers day-to-day energy data insights.

Edge-controller device hardware

The edge-controller device (ECD) is the tangible, on-site part of Wattstor’s solution that connects to your energy resources and disseminates the automated signals provided by the software. Without this hardware, the software signals cannot be implemented in an effective and timely manner for optimum ROI.

The state-of-the-art hardware is designed for straightforward installation, easy and open asset integration, as well as offline operation for business continuity.

Podium EMS Licensing
Explore the available license options for Podium EMS for your site...
Podium Functionality Standard Licence Advanced Licence
Dynamic Predictive Optimisation Tick
Real Time Optimisation Tick
Solar Load Shifting Tick Tick
EV charger load control Tick Tick
Peak Shaving Tick Tick
Load Limitation Tick

Ready to think outside the grid?