Building the Business Case for Sustainable Energy

The Business Case for Sustainable Energy

The energy landscape is volatile. Nothing has shown us this more than the recent price hikes in the UK and bold moves towards the green energy transition across Europe. But how can companies participate in sustainable energy whilst boosting their business?

This webinar explores how the often neglected SME sector can participate in sophisticated energy and sustainability programmes that, until now, have been typically reserved for large corporations…

What we’ll cover this session:

  • The energy landscape: The carbon reduction mandate
  • Making net-zero affordable and accessible for businesses
  • The technologies driving the transition
  • Volatile electricity markets: Why they exist and how to take advantage
  • Myth busting: Reward without risk – is it really possible?
  • Reducing payback time: Boosting ROI on your energy projects (including operational load management, solar PV, battery storage and EV charging points)
  • Taking the next steps…

Who is this webinar for?

  • Industrial and Commercial organisations
  • Partners and installers working with these companies

Who are the speakers?

Stephan Marty, CEO

Stephan Marty, CEO 

Stephan Marty is a regular authority in the industry and advocate for intelligent net zero energy technologies. He draws on over 20 years’ experience in the energy sector, and has seen seismic shifts in the way end-users engage with the energy markets and shift with the moving landscape. Now, at the helm of Wattstor, Stephan’s cross-functional background places him as a thought leader and trusted voice in the industry.

Building the Business Case for Sustainable Energy | A Wattstor Webinar

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