Our fully funded energy systems enable sites to create significant savings, make money from electricity markets, boost green credentials, and stabilise electricity prices. All without risk.
By working with Wattstor, sites gain access to these benefits without upfront capital expenditure.
Create your ideal energy eco-system with terms to suit every business, community and site type.
Our bespoke Fully Funded plans create savings, simplicity, and sustainability.
Via on-site generation, storage and consumption of cheap renewable energy. Plus, savings delivered on maintenance, upgrades, and regulatory compliance.
Remove the risks associated with energy system ownership, maintenance and management, whilst eliminating energy market risks too.
Full funding offers sites of all types and sizes the opportunity to obtain and benefit from renewable energy sources, storage & electricity markets.
Create the energy eco-system that best works for YOUR site specifically.
Our fully funded option can be expanded and modified as a site's needs and consumption profiles change.
There’s no underestimating how much time and resource can be tied up in energy projects. By outsourcing energy management and project development to Wattstor, businesses can focus on their core operations.
Large sites have a clear opportunity to impact the sustainability landscape, however smaller and mid-size businesses have often been left out of the picture when it comes to green initiatives, predominantly due to the issue of capital. These businesses form a huge part of the economic landscape, and are evidenced to have both the inclination and capacity to make huge leaps in sustainability with the right services at hand.
All sectors and site types are united in the challenge of resource to manage and maintain energy projects. This is where Wattstor’s Fully Funded Energy System offering shines, providing both the capital investment and the resource to ensure energy strategy continuity, optimum operations and clear returns through cost savings and sustainability.
The two greatest hindrances in creating an ideal energy eco-system for a site are the perceived cost and risk implications. These come in the form of:
Wattstor’s fully funded solution alleviates every one of these.
Designing your energy eco-system, sourcing the most suitable and cost effective solutions for your site, managing the install, testing the system, meeting regulatory compliance requirements, and ensuring ongoing maintenance. These are all areas that require more time and resource than most site owners have.
Work with Wattstor, and we’ll manage the full project scope, from design to delivery, and far far beyond.
Every site and every business has different goals. Whether you’re carbon or cost focused, we’ll tailor your solution to meet your business needs, maximising ROI and delivering the quickest possible payback to you.
Our proposals take into consideration all technical and financial aspects, such as IRR hurdle rate, maximum solar installation/grid constraints, consumption targets, and the lowest possible rates.
In order to transfer ownership of the assets from Wattstor to you, and to ensure you gain the trading benefits gained from the markets, Wattstor will draw up a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). This can vary from 15 to 25 years long, depending on your preferences and the size of the project.
Over the course of the agreement, and as you own more of your assets, your costs reduce and your percentage of net-savings goes up. Unlike many PPAs, Wattstor’s PPA creates more value over time. For the duration of your PPA, Wattstor maintains all assets and warranties, and takes care of all energy automation.
At the end of the agreement, you own ALL assets outright.
The EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED), first adopted in 2009, is a cornerstone of the EU’s energy and climate policies, with RED III agreed in 2023 by the … EU Renewable Energy Directive: Shaping the Future of Energy Storage
The EU’s Energy Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA) is a cornerstone of the European Green Deal, aimed at boosting the production and deployment of clean energy technologies across … The EU’s Energy Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA) Explained
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