Energy Storage

Introducing BESS from Wattstor

Our energy storage sits alongside our award-winning EMS platform, Podium, to connect distributed energy resources (DERs), maximise on-site generation, create a buffer between your site and price volatility, and break through grid constraints.

All to create an energy eco-system that truly reaps rewards.


Scalable energy storage solutions

From smaller-scale rack systems for indoor applications through to standard containerised outdoor solutions, Wattstor delivers modular, scalable battery systems for industrial, commercial, agricultural and community sites.

Breakthrough DC coupled BESS

Wattstor’s breakthrough DC coupled energy storage solution is making ripples across the industry.

By tapping into our pioneering technology, your site can add up to 8 times more Solar PV than grid constraints would lead you to believe. This creates the opportunity to maximise renewable deployment and site sustainability, all within regulations.

Standard inverter setup

The standard approach

Let’s look at a typical scenario…

A site wants to connect solar PV and batteries to make the most of their grid connection. In this case, the amount of power they are allowed to generate, according to the grid constraints set by the local distribution network operator (DNO), is 1000kW.

The DNO counts both solar and battery inverters as generators, so views the connection request as one for 1500kW of generation (see diagram for detail). As the DNO limits the connection to 1000kW, the site would have to reduce the overall size of the generation project to fit within this limit.

So how do we fix this issue? Read on…

Wattstor DC Coupled approach to avoid grid constraints

Our DC coupled solution

By rearranging the topology of the onsite energy system to utilise Wattstor’s DC coupling technology, the solar PV can be connected, without inverters, directly to the Wattstor battery system – and not to the grid.

The Wattstor battery inverter is now the only grid connected generator and can be sized to the 1000kW limit set by the DNO.

This topology allows for the addition of further solar PV capacity – in this example, 3000kW – enabling our customers to maximise renewable deployment and site sustainability.

Ready to think outside the grid?

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