From Intense User to Net Zero Trader: Supporting HENNLICH’s Energy Transformation

End User Hennlich
Industry Manufacturing
Location Litomerice, CZ
Assets on site Podium EMS / Wattstor BESS / EV Charging / Solar PV
Battery (BESS) 1000kW / 2,178kWh
Time of delivery 6 months

From intense user to net zero trader: Supporting HENNLICH’s energy transformation

HENNLICH Group is an international manufacturer and distributor of industrial technical components, providing tailored system solutions for a wide variety of industry verticals. It also has a range of divisions specialising in advanced technologies – including a Czech renewables division dedicated to heating, cooling and photovoltaics. 

In line with its sustainability goals, the renewables division, led by Tomas Holcak, was looking to implement a solar PV and battery system on its own premises. This would allow the division to generate and store its own renewable energy, decarbonising its operations while helping their clients build a more sustainable supply chain. 

HENNLICH also wanted to use its new system as proof of concept to eventually offer the same service to its customers in the photovoltaics sector. To do that, they needed to evaluate the business case for solar and battery systems, and consider the best way to monetise them.

To help them complete the system installation and guide them through the whole process, HENNLICH selected Wattstor as its onsite generation partner. 

The challenge: resilience and sustainable operations

Developing an offering for solar and battery systems is no easy feat. To make sure the proof of concept delivered the desired results, HENNLICH needed to find an onsite generation partner with proven expertise in designing, building and optimising solar and battery storage solutions. 

HENNLICH also wanted to connect its system to the day ahead market in the Czech Republic, to capitalise from selling excess renewable electricity back to the grid. 

Finally, the company wanted to build energy resilience and self-sufficiency, minimising its dependence on grid electricity to avoid the impact of wholesale price fluctuations. 


  • Reduce or eliminate Scope 2 emissions – and contribute to reducing Scope 3 emissions for clients
  • Sell excess solar power to the grid
  • Increase energy resilience, ideally reaching electricity self-sufficiency
  • Develop a complete solar and battery system offering for clients, using HENNLICH’s own system as proof of concept

Battery storage system at Hennlich

Wattstor’s approach: technical expertise and a solid business case

After carefully evaluating HENNLICH’s energy needs and site layout, Wattstor provided a comprehensive business case evaluation. Wattstor team gave HENNLICH a clear and realistic idea of the achievable benefits. 

The business case showed that there was a concrete chance to not only reach electricity self-sufficiency, but also generate enough solar power to trade on the wholesale market. Convinced by the potential of the project and by the technical expertise of the Wattstor team, HENNLICH decided to proceed. 

HENNLICH installed enough panels to generate over 600kWp of solar power onto the roof of one of its warehouses, connecting it to the main office building. Additionally, the project involved delivering a 2 MWh battery, housed in a 40ft container, to the site and positioning it next to the main building.

During the whole process, Wattstor worked with HENNLICH as an extension of its team. Among other things, Wattstor engineers coordinated the site preparation with HENNLICH’s technicians, and provided data and information to streamline the application and approval of a subsidy. 


  • Business case design and evaluation
  • Solar roof installation generating 600kWp of solar power
  • 2 MWh battery, hosted in a 40ft container
  • Logistics and delivery
  • Cooperation for site preparation
  • Assistance with subsidy application

Results of the energy transformation: from buyer to trader

The complete system was delivered at the end of 2023 and commissioned in April 2024. It is now proving its value in helping HENNLICH reach its energy goals.

Team Wattstor at Hennlich

Through the onsite generation, storage and optimisation of solar energy, HENNLICH has reached electricity self-sufficiency, eliminating its Scope 2 emissions and ending its dependency on costly grid electricity. 

Once the final regulatory procedures have been completed, HENNLICH will also be able to export electricity to the grid – completing its transition from heavy electricity buyer, to net zero seller.

Crucially, HENNLICH will be able to leverage its energy system to increase customer satisfaction in two ways. On the one hand, it will help clients reduce their Scope 3 emissions by contributing to the decarbonisation of their supply chains. On the other, it will be able to sell a complete solar and battery offering to its own customers, safe in the knowledge of providing a tried and tested solution that delivers real value. 

To learn more about the Wattstor’s onsite energy systems and the benefits they can deliver, download our comprehensive guide to onsite renewable generation in 5 steps.

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